Copyright 2014 ©

Registered childminders

Kelly and Terry

Some of our policies...

Equal opportunities policy…

We give all children in our care the opportunity to reach their full potential. Sometimes this means adapting an activity to the child’s ability and stage of development, providing additional resources or giving one child more attention and support than others during a particular activity or routine.

All children in our care are given the opportunity to play with all the toys (subject to health and safety with children under 3 years of age). No toys are just for girls or just for boys. We try to ensure our toys reflect positive images of children and people from different cultures and with different abilities. We have toys and resources that challenge stereotypical ideas on what careers are open to men and women.

No child in our care will be discriminated against in anyway, whether for their skin colour, culture, gender, ability or religion. We will challenge any remarks that we feel are inappropriate.

We encourage the children in our care to learn more about their own culture and to find out about the culture and religions of other children. We do in this in a fun way through sharing books, colouring sheets, cooking and eating food from around the world and celebrating special festivals. We provide resources such as woks and chopsticks, dressing up clothes and multicultural skin tone crayons and pencils.

We encourage the children to develop a healthy respect of each other’s differences and to value everyone as an individual.

We encourage Parents to share with us any festivals, special occasions or artefacts, which may enhance the children’s learning and understanding.

If you have any concerns regarding this policy please discuss them with us.

Risk assessment policy >

Full list of policies >

Sickness policy (right).

Equal opportunities policy .

Risk assessment policy.

Sickness policy…

If your child is unwell you will be called to collect them as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection to others in the setting. Please do not bring your child/ren if they are unwell with a temperature, sickness or diarrhoea as we will not take them.  It is fine to bring your child if they just have the sniffles, cough or cold.  You will still be charged the normal rate if your child does not attend the setting due to illness.

If you are unsure about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me or Terry.

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